Paul O'Shea
Senior lecturer

I completed a joint Ph.D. at the University of Sheffield and Tohoku University, Japan, in 2012. After this I moved to Scandinavia, and have been here ever since. I started in Stockholm, as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Stockholm School of Economics. From Stockholm I actually moved to the Centre at Lund, again as a post-doc, before taking a position as a lecturer at Aarhus University, Denmark, from 2013. Finally I re-joined the Centre as Associate Senior Lecturer in the autumn of 2016 and became a Senior Lecturer in the spring 2020.
My research interests are fairly broad, but the main focus would be the international relations of East Asia, in particular Japan and its relations with China and the United States. I have published articles, books, and book chapters on a variety of topics including regional territorial disputes, military bases, and US influence on Japanese policy-making. I am also interested in how international politics affects everyday life in a range of ways, from food consumption to the environment as well as rural policy and immigration.
I am currently working on a number of topics, including US-Japan alliance management, Japan-South Korea relations, and Covid nationalism in Japan and Sweden.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Japan has abandoned decades of pacifism in response to Ukraine invasion and increased Chinese pressure on Taiwan
Paul O'shea, Sebastian Maslow
(2024) The Conversation
Journal articleRethinking change in Japan's security policy : punctuated equilibrium theory and Japan's response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Paul O'shea, Sebastian Maslow
(2024) Policy Studies, 45 p.653-676
Journal articleThe US-Japan Alliance and the Role of the US Marines on Okinawa in Extended Deterrence
Paul O'shea
(2024) Social Science Japan Journal, 27 p.57-75
Journal articleThe future of deterrence and the US Marines on Okinawa
Paul O'shea
(2023) Robert Schuman Centre Policy Brief, 2023 p.1-5
Journal articleThe 2020/2021 Tokyo Olympics : Does Japan get the gold medal or the wooden spoon?
Paul O'shea, Sebastian Maslow
(2023) Contemporary Japan, 35 p.16-34
Journal articleLet's eat Fukushima' : Communicating Risk and Restoring 'Safe Food' after the Fukushima Disaster (2011-2020)
Paul O'shea, Tine Walravens
(2022) Japan Forum, 34 p.79-102
Journal articleReplacing Suga as prime minister will do little to resolve Japan’s political crisis
Paul O'shea, Sebastian Maslow
(2021) The Guardian
Newspaper articleJapan : Why PM Suga unexpectedly stepped down – and what happens next
Paul O'shea, Sebastian Maslow
(2021) The Conversation
Newspaper articleHow Japan’s Olympic success has been followed by COVID failure
Paul O'shea, Sebastian Maslow
(2021) The Conversation
Newspaper articleSVT:s spektakulära påstående kan försvåra smittskyddsarbetet
Nicholas Loubere, Paul O'shea, Markus Balazs Goransson
(2021) Kvartal
Journal articleSprider forskare verkligen hat och hot? : Ogrundade påståenden om forskare hotar den akademiska friheten.
Paul O'shea, Nicholas Loubere
(2021) Universitetsläraren
Journal article“Making the alliance even greater” : (Mis-)managing U.S.-Japan relations in the age of Trump
Paul O’Shea, Sebastian Maslow
(2021) Asian Security, 17 p.195-215
Journal article政権は国際的な威信のためにオリンピックを開催したい スウェーデン名門大の学者「世論を気にしない自民党政権にはオリンピックを止める理由がない」
Paul O'shea
(2021) Courrier Japan
Newspaper articleCOVID: why are Swedish towns banning masks?
Paul O'shea, Tine Walravens
(2021) The Conversation
Journal articleShould Japan cancel the Tokyo Olympics? : It may not be able to
Paul O'shea
(2021) The Conversation
Journal article‘Failures’ and ‘Crises’ in Japanese Foreign Policy: The Democratic Party of Japan’s Rule 2009-2012
Paul O'shea
(2021) Crisis Narratives, Institutional Change, and the Transformation of the Japanese State
Book chapterLa Suède et le Japon payent le prix de leur gestion de la Covid
Paul O'shea
(2020) The Conversation
Journal articleThe United States-Japan alliance in a post-Trump world : A return to normal?
Paul O'shea, Sebastian Maslow
(2020) Policy Forum
Journal articleSweden and Japan are paying the price for COVID exceptionalism
Paul O'shea
(2020) The Conversation
Journal articleWorld leaders are actually going out of their way to cosy up to Donald Trump – just look at Japan
Paul O'shea, Sebastian Maslow
(2019) The Conversation
Newspaper articleLearning from Okinawa’s geopolitical history: how easing the burden of the bases makes good geopolitical sense
Paul O'shea
(2019) Asia's Transformations , p.97-105
Book chapterBook Reviews Middle Kingdom and Empire of the Rising Sun: Sino–Japanese relations, past and present : by June Teufel Dreyer, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, 472 pp., £25.49 (hardback)
Paul O'shea
(2019) Asian Studies Review, 44 p.161-162
ReviewThere Will Be No Winner in the Japan-South Korea Dispute
Paul O'shea, Sebastian Maslow
(2019) The Diplomat
Journal articleStrategic narratives and US military bases in Japan: How ‘deterrence’ makes the Marine base on Okinawa ‘indispensable’
Paul O'shea
(2018) Media, War and Conflict
Journal articleThe trans-Pacific partnership, import dependency, and the future of food security in Japan
Paul O'Shea
(2017) Feeding Japan : The Cultural and Political Issues of Dependency and Risk , p.385-411
Book chapterThe East China Sea maritime and territorial dispute: a stand-off that suits everybody?
Paul O'shea
(2015) Global Affairs, 1 p.455-463
Journal articleHow Economic, Strategic, and Domestic Factors Shape Patterns of Conflict and Cooperation in the East China Sea Dispute
Paul O'Shea
(2015) Asian Survey, 55 p.548-571
Journal articleDodgy dumplings and lethal liver: risk, food terrorism, and Sino–Japanese relations
Paul O’shea
(2015) The Pacific Review, 28 p.303-321
Journal articleRegional risk and security in Japan : whither the everyday
Paul O'Shea, Ra Mason, Glenn Hook
BookInternal and External Risks to Japan's Northern Territories Policy
Paul O'Shea
(2015) Risk state: Japan's foreign policy in an age of uncertainty , p.19-34
Book chapterOverestimating the ‘Power Shift’: The US role in the failure of the Democratic Party of Japan’s ‘Asia Pivot’
Paul O'Shea
(2014) Asian Perspective, 38 p.435-459
Journal articlePlaying the sovereignty game : understanding Japan's territorial disputes
Paul O'shea
Paul O'Shea
(2012) Working Paper
Working paper