As a member of the Lund University Critical Animal Studies Network (LUCASN) our PhD candidate Gina Song Lopez is one of the editors of the series as well as a contributor.
The 15-chapter collection serves as a reflective, retrospective, and celebratory collaboration among teachers, former students, and friends of LUCASN, honouring the ongoing learning about animals and society, animals within society, and more-than-human interactions. This anthology brings together writings from alumni, instructors, and guest lecturers, exploring themes such as critical media analysis, activist strategies, and pedagogical reflections. Its scope highlights the diverse facets of the course while revealing the intricate, often subtle intersections between human society and the lives of non-human animals.
The publication will be available under the Open Books at Lund University (OBLU) platform.
A book launch and celebration of 10 years of teaching and learning Critical Animal Studies at Lund University will be organised on 12 September, please see here for more info.