Martial Law in South Korea: Crisis, Resistance, and the Future of Democracy

Korean politics panel with Erik Mobrand, Professor in the Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University and Hyejin Kim, senior lecturer in political science at the National University of Singapore.
This session brings together scholars of Korean Studies to analyze the recent turbulent political developments following President Yoon's declaration of martial law on 3 December 2024. The discussion will explore the historical roots of these events, their national, regional, and global significance, and the potential implications for the future.
Erik Mobrand, Professor in the Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University, and docent in Asian studies and associated researcher in Sociology of Law, Lund University.
Hyejin Kim, senior lecturer in political science at the National University of Singapore, and researcher in Economic History at Lund University
Moderator: Youngeun Koo, Associate Senior Lecturer, Lund University.
About the event
Asia Library, Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Sölvegatan 18 B, Lund
kimhean [dot] hok [at] ace [dot] lu [dot] se